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Writing & Essays

Below, you'll find some examples of original writing and essay projects.

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"That's Life", Video Essay

Video essay on the song "That's Life", a brief historical analysis of this Frank Sinatra classic, as well as its purpose and application in media over time.

Award-winning Research Paper

Media Theory Research Paper;
TikTok, Privacy, and National Security

The Effects of AI Anxiety on AI

Final paper for a Technology and Culture course at Temple University. This paper explores the  anxieties around the growth of AI use in culture and how adoption of such AI has been impacted.

Battle of the Lesbian Period film:
The successful elements in Portrait of a Lady on Fire

Research paper for a Global Media course at Temple University. This paper explores the french film "Portrait of a Lady on Fire", and how its success compared to that of its 'twin film'- "Ammonite" (a film of the same genre released around the same time). 

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